Capital City Police Athletic League

     “Building a Better Future, One Goal at a Time”

Sponsorship/Donation Opportunities



Ø  $5,000.00Platinum Sponsor - (Exclusive)


§  Printed logo on every shirt provided at each program/event

§  Company Name advertised throughout the event

§  Name recognition on our social media platforms    

§  Promotion in all press releases.

§  Name recognition on our website

§  Company name/logo at all registration tables during the event  


Ø  $3,000.00Gold Sponsor


§  Promotion in all press releases

§  Name recognition on our website

§  Name recognition on our social media platforms   


Ø  $500.00Silver Sponsor  


§  Name recognition on our website

§  Name recognition on our social media platforms 


Ø  $100.00Bronze Sponsor


§  Name recognition at the specific event


All sponsorships will be acknowledged at event programs. Additional promotional donations are welcomed and encouraged. These promotional donations will be given at events.

For more information, reach out to Dillon Reust at (517) 897-4285 or at with any questions